Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Those who ignore the past.....

Think of it as a reboot, or "The Reboot"...

Yes, That is a pipe
So what can I say. If I were actually write about my life, it would not be believable, and as very correctly wrote in a different context, people are not interested in non famous persons biographies. I need for people to read my posts, or what I am doing is mental masturbation.
I thought of writing it as fiction, but again, no one would believe all this garbage happening to one person.
At the moment, I seem to have control, <crosses fingers> of my depression, although lack of a therapist (thanks CHD and Morgana!) as a backstop is a bad idea.
I don't have control of the pain, but am able to deal with it as long as I don't trip, fall, over-exert, <wishes he knew where the line is> carry weights, split wood or don't stay wrapped in bubble wrap.
What I will assure the dear readers, is that every word is the truth as I perceived it, I am not delusional (I think), and my descriptions are as accurate as I can make them.

When I stupidly keep trying even after every entity has proven to there satisfaction that I have lost, just remember I was and am a Bernie supporter. Hey if the xtians can claim there delusion is truth, certainly my accounts of experiences should have vastly more credence, Nu?

I guess what I am saying is that I will be posting here every day, health and abilities permitting. I have some stuff to talk about, and while I will try to make you smile, it might not work.

I think I need to apologize to some folks, although really I don't remember doing anything wrong, obviously I have wronged these people in some way. You might want to skip those parts if you don't like that sort of stuff.